
List of skyrim wives
List of skyrim wives

list of skyrim wives

This isn’t everyone either, so here’s a list (non-exhaustive) of people you can marry… if you can marry them, they’ll notice the amulet and say “Interested in me, are you?”. You basically have to find someone who’s “interested” and then head to the temple to initiate the wedding. Ask him about the Temple (“I would like to know more about the temple”) then question marriage in Skyrim (“I could have a wedding at the temple?”) to which you follow up with “No, Not really.” Eventually he’ll offer to sell you the Amulet of Mara which you buy, equip and then get pulling. Firstly, you have to head to Riften and speak to Maramal, who’ll be found inside the Temple of Mara, by the Thieves Guild’s back door. Well, despite only being a bronze, it’s a bit of a rigmarole to get this trophy.

List of skyrim wives